Wednesday 21 January 2009

Jim Fitzgerald

A former colleague and a character known to many working on the railway passed away recently His name was Jim Fitzgerald. Many knew him as "Jimmy Fitz" or just plain "Jimmy".

His bark was far worse than his bite, and you could have a good crack with him. One of the most frequent phrases he used to use was "You couldn't shovel shit from a dead donkey", and I can still hear it.

He was like an almost permanent feature, never seemed to change and was always there. When he retired, it was the passing of an era as "Jimmy" was one of the old school, one of a disappearing breed.

His passing away is part of the final closure on a chapter in railway history. Unnoticed, unknown by so many who rushed by on trains everyday, but for those who worked with him, he'll always be remembered.

Rest in Peace Jimmy